

We’re Here
To Help You.

Residents of Taylor County can register to vote at the Taylor County Clerk’s office. If necessary, every voter should check their current Voter Registration and update their record using the below buttons.

For additional information to help you answer questions regarding voter’s registration and voting procedures, visit the West Virginia Secretary of State’s website.

Need to Ask
A Question?

For any questions regarding voter’s registration, contact the Taylor County Clerk’s office at 304-265-1401.

How Do I Register to Vote?

Register in person at the County Clerk’s Office

Mail in forms available in County Clerk’s Office or we can mail one to you call 304-265-1401

Register at your local WV Department of Motor Vehicles

Register online – you must have a driver’s license or ID issued by the WV DMV

Qualifications to Become a Voter:

Choosing Your Party Affiliation:

When Registering to Vote, you should know WV recognizes 4 major political parties:

In WV all others are categorized as Minor parties. Such as: Independent, Green, Constitution, No Party Affiliation, Reform and many more. If you choose a minor party, simply write in your choice.

Vital Records
Marriage License
Estate Administration

Our Door Is Open.

Phone: (304) 265-1401, Option 4
Fax: (304) 265-2889

128 West Main St., Annex 2
Grafton, WV 26354

Office Hours:
Monday – Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm